SSR-02 The Sjöström Super Regulator, negative version

Sjöström Super Buffer - Diamond buffer

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Some background can be found in my JSR-01 project and in the SSR01 project.

This design is based on my SSR01 project and the goal was to make the pcb with hole mounted parts as small and versatile as possible.

Interesting features

  1. 4-layer pcb with 70 um (2 oz.) copper.
  2. Power traces 140 um!
  3. Gold pads.
  4. Extremely low noise.
  5. Extremely low output impedance in the audioband.
  6. Small size.
  7. Easy to change voltage, also to negative voltage but this particular design (pcb) requires two different pcb's, one for positive voltages and one for negative.
  8. Well-known and well-tested in serious and demanding applications.
  9. Option for TO92 or SOT23 transistors for the small signal transistors.
  10. Option for DIL08 or SO08 opamp.
  11. LM431 (and similar) reference or devices like LM329. The pcb has a universal footprint.
  12. Trimming options for both the reference and the feedback. Room for extra resistors and trimpots.
  13. One output with sense inputs.
  14. All resistors 10 mm so it is possible to use a cut and bending machine for those parts.
  15. Option for using higher voltage than the max supply voltage for the opamp.




The SSR-02 is identical to the SSR01, the positive version, when it comes to circuit design and the pcb layout. Please read more about the SSR02 here.