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JSR-03 The Sjöström Super Regulator
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Some background can be found in my SSR-01 project.
This design is based on my JSR-01 project and the goal was to make the pcb with hole mounted parts as small and versatile as possible.
Interesting features
- Extremely low noise.
- Very low output impedance in the audioband.
- Small size.
- Easy to change voltage, also to negative voltage but this particular design (pcb) requires two different pcb's, one for positive voltages and one for negative.
- Well-known and well-tested in serious and demanding applications.
- Option for TO220 and TO126 transistors, for the pass transisitor.
- Option for TO92 and SOT23 transistors for the small signal transistors.
- LM431 reference but I have made markings for anode, cathode and reference so it will be easy to mount any other 2- or 3 pin device like LM329.
- Three outputs.
- One output with sense inputs.
- All resistors 10 mm so it is possible to use a cut and bending machine for those parts.