SSR01 Super Regulator
A classic topology since the tube era.
QRP02 LM3886 power amplifier
Gainclone amp, a clone of the famous Gaincard. A complete power except for the mains transformer.
SSR03 Sjöström Super Regulator
A power supply board based on the famous super regulator topology.
Sjöström Super Regulators
Various designs of the famous super regulator.
QRV08 Extreme headphone amplifier
A current feedback headphone amplifier using discrete SMD components.
SPS01 Power supply board for class A amplifiers
My first Altium Designer project. The was a design made with input from
JSR01 The first super regulator design from Sjöström Audio
This pcb was designed as a both positive and negative super regulator. Notice the quality of the hand soldering. This was easy when the solder contained lead. Nowadays leadfree solder is used.
QSXM2 The very first prototype
This board was handmade in the 80's using black tape. It worked very good and was many years later made as a real pcb with two channels.

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