Sending messages

I don't mind if you send me a message but I answer those emails which is about my products with first priority. Since I'm a nice guy I will also try to answer other emails which not have anything to do with my business.

Sign with your name

  • If you must send me images, they should be GIF, PNG (line drawings) or JPEG (photos). Please don't send large attachments without asking me first!
  • I am happy to answer questions about my own projects and articles, but I will not be drawn into lengthy exchanges if you build something and cannot make it work (especially if you make your own board). It is extremely difficult to diagnose faults remotely.
  • Before asking questions, read the published pages concering the design. In many cases, I am asked questions that are fully explained on the pages.
  • I will not attempt to give answers to questions about stuff you find from links or elsewhere. Contact the owner of the site (or the manufacturer for commercial products) for more information. If the questions are related to my products, I'll try to answer if I can.
  • Consider posting your question on the Sjöström Audio Forum rather than sending an e-mail. Others may be able to spend more time to help you with your questions.
  • Do not ask me to endorse (or otherwise) 'Brand X' of anything - cables, amps, speakers etc, because I will not do so.
  • I reply to most emails.  There may also be a spam blocker in place - be warned - I will only try to e-mail you once, if my attempt is blocked I will not try again.

Please make sure that the following are included ...

      • Your name (it is extremely inconsiderate to send mail with no name, other than a "reply to" name that is often incorrect).
      • Your email address (one that works!).
      • Proper English (no 'SMS speak' or other stupid abbreviations). If u cnt b bothered typing yr req in full, I cnt b bothered trying 2 decode it. If your primary language is other than English, just do your best.

Have you read all of the text?


Parts of it
