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If you don't plan to use the "sense" function, put a tin blob on the solder side at J1, J2, J3 and J4 (see the schematics also).
- Use a regulated power supply and set the current limit to 50-100 mA or something low.
- Connect the external power supply at the uncut wires of the rectifier. (test one half at the time)
- Connect a voltmeter at the output.
- Turn up the voltage slowly and observe the output and the current consumption. When the LED H1 starts to shine you should have a stable output voltage.
- Add a load to check is the voltage still is stable including some warm-up of the opamp and the voltage reference (a few millivolts).
- Do the same thing for the negative side.
- Solder the transformer and pay attention to the jumpers, HA1, HA2, MY1, M2, E1, E2 and A1.
- Connect the mains voltage and observe a stable output voltage.