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Per-Anders Sjöström

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SSR03 @10 volts

Started by alexanderbax, January 15, 2017, 02:15:41 PM

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Hi Per Anders,

Is it possible to run the SSR03 at 10v?  Would I just use a trimmer on the 9v or 12v version or do I need some other component changes?




You'll have to set the reference voltage to 5 volts, then you will get 10 V since the gain is 2. You have the formula here

Let me know if you want help with the math.
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff


Im afraid my electronics know-how is still improving..... which part exactly in the circuit description can I use to calculate the resistors needed for Vref?  I don't mind calculating myself, I just need to know exactly which calculation to look at :)


If you look at the heading "The reference" you will find it (you could also read the data sheet for LM431) and a bit further down you see the formula which starts with Vout= ....


R39 = 3k3 (R40)
R43 = 3k3 (R44)
R41 = not populated (R42)

You use the 12 V version.
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff


Thank you. I was looking at data sheets, googling, trying to see how it worked with your BOMS for other voltages but I'm still trying to get my head around it!

Thanks for the help.


Sorry, last question. What are the resistor positions you have put in brackets? Do I fill them per 12v BOM, leave them blank or fill them with new value? Eg. So would R40 be 3.3k same as R39? Or would R40 still be 10k per 12v BOM?


If you want -10 volt also them you'll have to fix the negative side also. I recommend that you look at the schematics also so you understand where the parts are located.
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff


I have to say a big thank you for your help, as I was totally stuck!  But your help has allowed me to learn more and Ive been doing my own calculations.  So could you check if I have the right calculations for doing 10v but using a LM329 (not the LM431)?

Use the 12v LM329 BOM and make the following change:

R31 = Do not connect (R32)
R33 = 2k2 (R34)

I think that would get me to 10 volts?