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Per-Anders Sjöström

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Asking for friend: Any buffer could use as opamp replacement?

Started by goldkenn, October 28, 2009, 05:59:27 PM

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Which one could use as opamp replacemnt, just wire to the right pin can do? Or which one suppose could do the job but need some light modifications?


I'm not sure I understand what you mean but my SSB01 is a buffer which can replace a BUF634 for instance.
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff


I think you understand me but what my friend looking for is something to replace general opamp like OP627.

There are something like Burson Audio:, but not sure if you have something be the same or smiliar.


The Burson can't measure with OPA627 that is my honest opinion. Besides you have a dozen other extremely good opamps. I think the Burson opamp will add some flavor to the sound perhaps but it is at the same time not bad.
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff



Integrated buffers with bipolar inputs:

BUF03 has JFET inputs but if you don't have an extremely high impedance signal source my SSB01 will probabaly work quite nicely. If I could have some circuit diagram I could give you a more accurate answer.
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff


No ciruit diagram, it is a kit from Mainland China, a clone of Mark Levinson No.380 preamplifier, but it only clone the topology, the ciruit using monolithic opamp rather then discrete, that's why my freind looking for discrete module replacement, try to see could make it get closer to the original No.380.

The whole circuit is 4 single opamp each channal, with PGA2310 control and BUF03, from the PCB I guess BUF03 is drive by the PGA2310 as final output, it should be the buffer stage of PGA2310 since PGA2310 can't work alone but need a buffer.

The kit seller also recommand LH0033 but LH0033 also with JFET input, in this case, any chance to use SSB01? Or could the SSB01 be modify to suit this case?


Is it real BUF03 and LH0033 since they are out of production since decades back. My SSB01 will problably work alright for your friend.
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff


There are lots of used, unmount from "rubbish", out of production parts you can find in Mainland China, they are all tested and gaurantee working, some even do matching for performance gaurantee, of course there are also lots of fakes, but if you know the channal, Mainland China is a treasure island.

Try if you can open the following link:
An example of a matched, tested pair, RMB68/pair, which is around SEK68.60/pair, still a steal although they are used.

I need to wait my friend pay me to order the SSB01 later, since he is now on business trip, I may also order some for try to replace the LT1010 in QSXM3..... if I can skip from my wife's sight :-P