Category: Headphone amplifiers
Number of Subcategories: 5
folder0 QRV01 - The extreme headphone amplifier
Subcategories: 0
Files: 11

A massive class A headphone amplifier design. Lot's of tweak potential.

A multiple feedback headphone amplifier which can be altered to fit anyone. It was called in the beginning CMOY deluxe.

A patented current feedback headphone amplifier design. Used with permission. Mr Mark Alexander designed it long time ago.

A surface mounted class A biased headphone amplifier design. Main parts OPA627/OPA134/AD8610 plus BUF634.

QRV08 A surface mounted current feedback headphone amplifier design (QRV06) which has super regulators and transformers. May be a headphone amp with the most advanced power supply units in the world right now.

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