Sjöström Audio DIY forum

Projects => Phono RIAA amplifiers => Topic started by: Goofy on October 15, 2017, 07:11:31 PM

Title: QSXM2, separate PSU ?
Post by: Goofy on October 15, 2017, 07:11:31 PM
QSXM2 is finished since a few month now. Head amp with MAT02/03
Wiring with Carda Litz shielded
Tranformer is C core
PSU is SSR03
Sound is very good

In MC mode I have just a very very small hum but still present...
Can I put, without downsides, only the power transformer in a separate enclosure ?
It seems that it is not a very common solution

We usually see a raw DC PSU (transformer, rectifier, capacitors) in the separate enclosure, regulators and phono board in the main enclosure.

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Title: Re: QSXM2, separate PSU ?
Post by: peranders on October 16, 2017, 06:11:29 AM
It might help with an external transformer but check first if you don't have any ground loops.
Title: Re: QSXM2, separate PSU ?
Post by: Goofy on October 16, 2017, 04:25:02 PM
Ground loop inside the phono ?

I have only
inputs left and right
Outputs left and right
PSU: +18 0 -18
and a wire to chassis
Title: Re: QSXM2, separate PSU ?
Post by: peranders on November 05, 2017, 05:39:35 PM
What happens if you remove the turntable and short the inputs? Still hum?