Sjöström Audio DIY forum

Projects => Power supplies => Topic started by: DDragon80 on August 23, 2016, 12:49:27 AM

Title: SSR01 increasing current
Post by: DDragon80 on August 23, 2016, 12:49:27 AM

My knowledge of electronics is quite basic, so I apology already for any possible stupid questions.

What is the best method to stack multiple SSR01 voltage regulators to increase current? I need around 5V 2A max. Perfect load balancing should be nice but for me is less important(?), unless there should be a good reason to do so. The idea was to connect two SSR01 parallel and connect a diode on both outputs (+increasing Vout to 5.6V for the 0.6V drop over the diodes). Also adding a large elco in front of the circuit.

But... I also found better/complicated circuits online that involve opamp(s) and make use of the sense circuit of the voltage regulator. (http://

For example, is this (picture attached) circuit for stacking a LM317 also suitable for the SSR01?

Thanks in advance.

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Title: Re: SSR01 increasing current
Post by: peranders on August 23, 2016, 07:14:34 AM
To use diodes is risk free but on the other hand you will loose the extremely low output impedance. The super regulator is a wide band design and it could be quite tricky to get it work properly. I don't support it I'm afraid.