Sjöström Audio DIY forum

Projects => Power supplies => Topic started by: AR2 on October 30, 2015, 09:03:31 AM

Title: SSR01 lowering voltage under any load?
Post by: AR2 on October 30, 2015, 09:03:31 AM

I have several SSR01 regulators and they all behave in the same manner. An example 5V regulator. I am feeding it with 12.5V regulated voltage and after SSR01 I have 5V. But after is loaded voltage starts sliding down. I have electronic load and I could vary the load and observe changes. With 160 mA load voltage is around 4.80 V. While I am observing the noise on the scope there are no problems there, it is very quiet, but I would not expect that voltage varies with the low load. The same is happening with my 15V regulator that is fed with 24V, or with 7V regulator that is fed with 13V. They all start lowering voltages with load increase. When I say load increase I tested it up to 300 -400 mA and output looses around 0.3 - 0.4 V. And it goes immediately with 10mA load.

Please let me know if this is normal?

Thank you
Title: Re: SSR01 lowering voltage under any load?
Post by: peranders on October 31, 2015, 08:28:41 AM
You must always have 5 volts more in than the output voltage. Do you have that?
Title: Re: SSR01 lowering voltage under any load?
Post by: AR2 on October 31, 2015, 08:46:16 PM
heaveno Sjostrom,
Thank you for the fast response. Yes I am aware of that rule and I have more than 5V coming in every regulator. 5V reg. has 12.5V regulated supply, 7V has 13 V regulated supply and 15 V has 24 V supplies. Incoming voltages are stable under the load, they do not change. All of the regulator transistors are on the big heat sink, so cooling is not the issue either.
I am using 7 of these regulators, each one with its own transformer winding, rectifier circuit and pre regulator. Picture was made before all regs were mounted.


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Title: Re: SSR01 lowering voltage under any load?
Post by: peranders on October 31, 2015, 09:38:32 PM
You have shorted the SENSE connections? Tin drop on the solder side. You seem to use those sense connection so check if you have shorted those on the solder side.

In which point do you measure the voltage?