Hi P-A
i have just finished the first board you sold of this power supply.
I used 15V LM329 BOM; put 1K multiturn trim over the IC instead of the wire link.
All seem to work fine, but i can trim the voltage only from about 15.7 v minimum, up to 22-23 V
There is something that i should check/change to get a wider range of regulation ?
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Please start to read the documentation. You have the formula there but if you have any problems with that I'll help you on Sunday.
Thank you P-A. Problem solved.
Vout 15.8 volt is perfectly inside the 5% range of tolerance of LM329
taking away R18 and R19 from the board (4K7 ohm), the trimmer start regulating at about 14,28 volt.
I'm now able to obtain 15V perfectly stable from both sides.
Really a beautiful kit (as always...)
Glad that everything worked out for you. :-D