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Per-Anders Sjöström

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JSR 03 5V and 9V -> led H1 and diode DZ1

Started by cowbolt, March 17, 2007, 12:26:21 AM

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heaveno all,
juste a question about the use of led and zener.
some guys and I are trying to tune JSR03 super regulator for 5V and 9V(using with CD player philips CDPRO2).
I started to choose components, and was wondering how to choose those 2 items :
led H1
zener DZ1

we've been said that they could both be replaced by yellow diodes. could you give us some more details about the reason they have to be yellow (and not basically red e.g), and if we can use the same diodes for H1 and DZ1 ?



The H1 could be red, orange, yellow and green but use only blue if you want to increase the min input voltage of the regulator. As DZ1 you can use LED's. It doesn't matter as longs as you get a voltage shift.
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

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