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Per-Anders Sjöström

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Humming QSXM3

Started by VesaK, December 20, 2014, 02:06:16 PM

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At last had time to put this RIAA together, but did not succeed to make it stabil. When starting, voltage jumps to something like 14v. But after maybe 30sec it drops and start to oscillate. DC show 0,03-0,00. If connected to a speaker, it makes low HZ brumming sound.  RIAA has one pair of SSR01/02 superregs as PS.   

Have tried to figure this out but with no success. Please...

Ps. many polyprops and R1 are under the board, cause of size


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I would appreciate an even closer look and not with a flash if that's possible.

Can you list every part you have mounted and what type you have used?

I assume that you have a perfect ± 15 V supply voltage?
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff



Solved... Had not R2, or short, on place. Sorry...

Now it plays great.

Picture with superregs. Great stuff!



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