

Welcome to my DIY audio forum. The forum SW has been reset and unfortunately there were some problems with backup files so a few posts were lost, nothing important though.

Per-Anders Sjöström

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Forum rules

Started by admin, October 21, 2000, 02:01:00 AM

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1 The language is english, think about that all swedish or nordic users. It's not forbidden though to use swedish, danish or norwegian, but try to write in english if it's not to hard for you. The chances to get good answers are much bigger if more people understand what you are talking about.

If your questions are pure support questions use the language you like english/german/danish/swedish/norwegian.

I understand german fairly good if you write properly and avoid "modern" german. I will answer in english though.

2 Be nice

3 Try to help

4 Be nice

5 Avoid politics and religion

6 I'll appreciate if you tell us where you live in the "location" field.

7 No spam, see also item 10.

8 No dangerous advices or activities

9 No linking to unsuitable material which can harm me and my business

10 Users must confirm their membership within two days, otherwise they will be deleted. New confirmed users will also be reviewed in order to remove spammers. When I check your internet provider (which always is registered) the country you write must be the same as for your internet service provider. Zero-posters will also be deleted after 6-12 months.

NOTE: New members must answer a couple of electronic and other questions in order to be let in. So, spammers don't waste your time if you aren't skilled in electronics. In case you have problems with finding answers on some questions, please ask me and I'll tell you.
11 I (Per-Anders Sjöström) set the rules.

Please notice that my forum is not a forum for free speech in the sense that you can say _anything_. It's a forum for exchange of knowledge and thoughts between grown up people. Members must show responsibility and follow my wishes.

I think this is sufficient for now.

Very welcome all!