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Per-Anders Sjöström

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My QRP02 amps are now playing!

Started by AndyB, March 12, 2006, 01:55:08 PM

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Hi P-A and everybody else!
My QRP02 based "monoblocks" are now playing :lol:
I use 4 amps pr. channel, and the biggest challenge was to fit everything into a small case.
I use one 120VA (22-0-22, center tapped) pr. amp.
For tweeter and midrange I use 4700 uF caps, and for the (two) bass amps I use 6800 uF caps in the powersupply.

At the moment I am using passive x-overs, but my intention is to use active x-overs later.

I found a small error in the description of how to use center-tapped trafo!
(I am not able to find the description now but it mentioned a wrong place for one of the straps)

Best regards  Anders.


Glad to hear that it works well  :D
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

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