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Per-Anders Sjöström

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Power supply advice please...

Started by rtate, February 03, 2009, 07:38:36 PM

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I have a vintage van alstine amp that had the front end powered from an aux board that supplied +/- 15Vdc. While trouble shooting a hiss problem I inadvertently damaged one of the dual voltage tracking regulators(SG4194CJ)
It appears that these parts are not available unless i want to pay a $200USD minimum fee to parts brokers....
So my alternative is to build my own P.S.

Do you have any suggestions on what i should use??
7 Leach superamps, 3 shiva subs,Aria5R
Parasound AVC2500u, Sugden transport,
Bride of Zen preamp,home made Cat5 speakecable
and interconnects


You can probably use 7815 + 7915 or LM317+LM337
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff


heaveno PA , sorry for the confusion.
What i need is a completed kit for a +/- 15v supply.
The damaged part is a 14 pin dual tracking reg chip, so I can't just sub in a 7xxx series part.This is 1978 technology and i was looking to upgrade.
7 Leach superamps, 3 shiva subs,Aria5R
Parasound AVC2500u, Sugden transport,
Bride of Zen preamp,home made Cat5 speakecable
and interconnects


Mentioned regulators are pretty easy to patch in if it's only to get it fixed but if you want some replacement maybe my JSR03 (positive) and JSR05 (negative) will work. It depends how much space you have.
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff


So you don't think something like the QSXPS kit would be suitable??
7 Leach superamps, 3 shiva subs,Aria5R
Parasound AVC2500u, Sugden transport,
Bride of Zen preamp,home made Cat5 speakecable
and interconnects


It will indeed suit if you'll have the space for it.
/Per-Anders Sjöström, owner of this forum

Homepage with my DIY hifi stuff